Voyage to the Great Indies (1644 - 1651)

Discover the unseen world of the Great Indies through the eyes of a French Musketeer! Purchase a copy today on Shopee.

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The Princess of Malacca

by G. W. de Silva

In this historical reimagining of the surrendering of Malacca to the Portuguese in the early 1500s, lovers Tun Fatimah and Tun Ali must do whatever they can to escape the ravenous hands of Sultan Mahmud Shah, who is eager to make her his wife. As they encounter enemies and alliances in their journey to freedom, Sultan Mahmud Shah’s plans are hindered as rivals threaten his reign and the downfall of one of the greatest cities in Malaya.

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Our Resident Author

Dennis De Witt

As a 5th generation Dutch Eurasian originally from Malacca, Malaysia, Dennis De Witt has developed a keen interest on subjects relating to Dutch influences in Malaysian history due to his own heritage. In 2009, he was named as the winner of the ‘Dutch incentive prize for Genealogy’ for his book ‘History of the Dutch in Malaysia’ and he received his prize in the Netherlands. He was the first ever recipient of this prize who is not a Dutch citizen.

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